Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why do people tend to suppress that which they can't express? What about Love? Its a very strong emotion and for some people very hard to express. But I would think its much more difficult to suppress.

I believe that it is fear which causes people to suppress their feelings. In today’s society we are expected to act in a certain form and manner. Often times in ways which may seem unnatural. There is a level of uncertainty which resides within today’s society about emotions which leaves a lot of us wondering “is what I’m feeling ‘normal’ by today’s standards.” Love is an especially confusing topic to many especially for younger people because of the lack of definition and the influence the media plays on how we view it. From watching T.V. love dramas all our lives many of us believe that love is something that is found very easily yet lost even easier. The term it’s self is thrown around so loosely that now it lacks the deeper meaning it once did. Today people whom do fall in love easily often fear the repercussions that may come from announcing their feelings. They may be afraid that they will be viewed as a stalker even though what they are doing may feel very natural to them. They may also fear the pain that will ensue from the rejection if the other person doesn’t feel the same.

How does space and place correlate to time?
I view place as being something that is certain something that can only be set in the present. where as space is exists in uncertainty which is the past and future. when we are walking down the street and we lift one foot off the sidewalk are we really certain that that sidewalk exists without reinvestigation to confirm it. When our foot goes down to connect with the side walk can we really be certain that the sidewalk really exists or its just a figment of our imaginations. it is only in that one instance when our foot is in contact with the pavement and we see it and feel it and know it is there when we can establish it as a place.

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